Gazumping- What is that , is it legal and how to avoid it?

How to avoid being gazumped – an essential guide to the first time buyers


In simple terms, Gazumping is when a vendor has accepted an offer from a potential buyer but later sells to another buyer.


Although it may seem like a very ‘illegal’ thing to do, Gazumping is very much legal. The conveyancing process is a two stage legal process: exchange and completion and until contracts are exchanged, the transaction is not binding.


This means that either party can walk away from the transaction before contracts are exchanged with no legal implication.


Unfortunately, this also means that if you have been gazumped at a pre-exchange stage then you will be left to pay a legal bill for all pre-exchange work conducted by your solicitors.


There are many reasons that a vendor may sell his/her property to another party although your offer had been accepted, but we find the most common reasons to be:


1. The seller has accepted a higher offer for the property

2. The vendors solicitors are experiencing delays with your solicitors

3. You do not have your finances in hand


How to prevent being gazumped


In order to prevent being Gazumped, we suggest the following top tips to bear in mind:


1. Speak to the estate agent to get an idea of how popular the property is


If you have had viewed the property and are quite keen to purchase the property then estate agents will be able to advise you on how popular the property is and whether the buyer is likely to receive offers under or over the asking price. If the property is struggling on the market then there is a good chance that the vendor will accept an offer under the asking price and will be keen to sell this to you. If however, the property is gaining a lot of interest, then it is worth you making a competitive offer to ensure that you are not gazumped for a higher offer at a later stage.


2. Be transparent from the outset about your finances and timescales by which you intend to complete the purchase


We find that vendors become frustrated during the conveyancing process when prospective purchasers avoid confirming their finances from the outset i.e. cash purchase, mortgage or chain transaction. It is therefore very important that you let your solicitors know how you are funding the purchase from the outset so that all parties can aim for a realistic completion date.


If you are having trouble with finances for any reason, then it is best that you disclose this as soon as possible. In some cases, if the delay is only by a few weeks then the vendor may empathise and may be willing to extend the completion target date. If however, you do not disclose your financial hiccups and the vendor feels that you are time wasting, then it is very likely he will sell the property to another party.


3. Secure a mortgage offer in principal


If you are keen on purchasing a new property then it is worth contacting a mortgage lender to provide you with a mortgage offer in principle before property hunting, to ensure that you can book a survey in as soon as your offer to purchase has been accepted. This will show the vendor that you are serious about the purchase and it will make a good impression.


4. Ask for the property to be taken off the market


You could ask the vendor to take the property off the market as part of acceptance of your offer.


5. Ask your solicitors to draft a lock-in-agreement / exclusivity agreement


If the property you have viewed is one that you cannot bear to lose then you could ask your solicitors to draft an agreement to prevent the vendor from entertaining other offers for a fixed period of time i.e. 4 weeks. Of course, you would incur additional legal fees as this is not a standard conveyancing document, but at least this would provide you with peace of mind to have a survey booked or to secure your finances without the threat of being gazumped.


6. Obtain insurance


Some specialist insurance providers will offer insurance to cover legal, survey and mortgage lending costs should a purchase fall through. It will not prevent you from being gazumped, but it will at least help you to minimise your losses in the event unfortunate event that you are.


If you would like to instruct our conveyancing team for a residential or commercial sale/purchase, please do not hesitate to call our offices or email us at






这类签证途径在过去的几年中有不断的更新。内政部于2020年10月22日宣布了最新的变更。需注意的是在2020年11月30日或之前提交的申请将根据现行移民规则进行评估。 2020年12月1日或之后提交的申请将根据新规则进行评估。新的变更涉及流程的一部分,是针对考虑高级任命的标准以及在此签证途径下合格的学术和研究角色类型的定义而做出的。

最明显的变化涉及希望得到Tech Nation(机构)认可的数码技术申请人。因此“关键”和“合格”标准将进行重组,取而代之的是新的一组更简单的强制性和可选性的标准。







1. 房产印花税是政府要求的标准税,由买方在英格兰和北爱尔兰*购买住宅物业时支付。

2. 房产印花税适用于永久业权和租赁业,新建或现有物业,商业和住宅物业。

3. 房产印花税是一个分层的、阈值系统,房产价值越高,您需要支付的印花税越高。

4. 如果您或您的配偶在世界范围内拥有不止一个物业(拥有以您或您的配偶的名字注册的物业),那么您需要在标准的印花税的基础上支付额外3%的附加费。

购买唯一一套物业 印花税

£500,000以下 无

从£500,001 至£925,000之间 5%

从£925,001 至£1,500,000之间 10%

£1,500,000以上 12%

购买不止一套物业 印花税

£500,000以下 3%

从£500,001 至£925,000之间 8%

从£925,001 至£1,500,000之间 13%

£1,500,000以上 15%


陈刘律师事务所团队愿为客户解决复杂的法律疑问、税收、购房、销售和再融资等等。我们也为客户提供将资金从国外转移到英国的建议。欲了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至conveyancing@cnsolicitors.com或者微信(微信号:cnsolicitors2020) 热线电话:+4407888 439126 与我们联系。


陈刘律师事务所由律师监管局授权和监管– SRA第668071号。合作伙伴的完整列表可在www.cnsolicitors.com上找到。



2020年4月23日,英国政府发布了一份“不使用公共资金” 的情况下为移民者提供支持的指南。





在考虑提出这样的申请时,您需要知道一个重要的事实 -- 取消“无权使用公共资金”的条件不仅会使您走上在英国定居的10年之路,而且即使您设法更改回到5年的定居时间之路,您将从零开始。












COVID 19: Innovator and Start-Up visas

In these unprecedented times, Innovator and Start-Up applicants might find themselves in the situation, where they may experience difficulties fulfilling their business plans and maintaining contact with their endorsing bodies.

The Home Office has been prompt in addressing the issues surrounding Innovator and Start-Up migrants may face due to the Coronavirus outbreak:

1. Individuals who have not yet been endorsed

Endorsing bodies may still issue endorsements. If prospective applicants are outside the UK, the endorsing bodies should ask them whether they are able to make a visa application and to travel. The endorsing bodies should also consider with all applicants whether they are likely to be able to start developing their business in the UK under the current situation. If not, they should consider delaying the applicants’ endorsements until a later date.

2. Individuals who have been endorsed but have not yet applied for a visa

Endorsement letters are valid for 3 months. If an individual is unable to make a visa application within this timeframe, the endorsing bodies will need to issue them with a new endorsement (using a new secure reference number) before they can apply. The endorsing bodies should have a discussion with the applicants (as set out above) before they do so.

3. Individuals who have applied for a visa but are unable to travel

Individuals should refer to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) immigration guidance on website for the latest information.

4. Individuals who are due to have a checkpoint with their endorsing body

Endorsing bodies should maintain contact checkpoints with the individuals they have endorsed wherever possible. It is not necessary for these to be face-to-face. The Home Office encourage endorsing bodies to arrange checkpoints via telephone or video conferencing. It is important for applicants to know that they continue to have the support of their endorsing bodies. The endorsing bodies should make allowances for the current situation when considering the applicants’ progress against their business plans and where possible, discuss future contingencies. The endorsing bodies must notify the Home Office if an applicant misses a checkpoint without their authorisation.

5. Individuals who need to apply to extend their stay

The endorsing bodies should continue issuing endorsements as normal to individuals who are in the UK, whose visas are expiring and who wish to apply to switch into the Start-Up or Innovator categories or to extend their stay in the Innovator category. For those applying to switch from Start-up to Innovator or to extend their Innovator visa, as with the checkpoint guidance above, the endorsing bodies should make allowances for the current situation when considering the applicants’ progress against their business plans and where possible, discuss future contingencies.

At Chan Neill Solicitors we continue assisting clients with their Immigration enquiries. If you are concerned about your current visa or about your prospective visa application, please do not hesitate to contact our Immigration team.

UK work visa: Sponsorship of EU and non-EU nationals post 1 January 2021

On 6 April 2020 the Home Office published a new version of a “Tier 2 and 5 of the point-based system: guidance for sponsors”, wherein they have provided the guidance for employers who wish to apply for a Sponsorship License to sponsor migrant workers under the new point-based immigration system that will come into effect from 1 January 2021.

There will be a single immigration system in place for EU and non-EU citizens once the freedom of movement with the EU has ended on 1 January 2021. As such, in order for EU and non-EU nationals to work in the UK legally, they would be required to obtain a valid visa under skilled worker route which will replace Tier 2 (General) visa route. The job on offer will need to be at level 3 or above of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (“RQF”) or equivalent level in Wales or Scotland. This level is approximately equivalent to A-level standard. The minimum salary threshold will be reduced from £30,000 to £25,600 (lower salary level may apply for “new entrants”). The ability to speak English will be a mandatory requirement. According to the Home Office, the applicant would be able to “trade” certain characteristics against the salary that they would otherwise be required to earn in relation to the job on offer.

Those UK based companies, who do not currently hold the Sponsorship License but intend to sponsor migrant workers post 1 January 2021, can apply for one as of now. It is important to note that Licensed sponsors would not be able to assign a Certificate of Sponsorship (“COS”) to a migrant worker at RQF level 5 or below until 1st of January 2021. The Home Office intends to start accepting applications under the new point-based system from Autumn 2020.

Should you require any assistance with the Sponsorship License application, or you require legal advice, please do not hesitate to contact our Immigration team.

Can I access UK public funds due to COVID-19?

If you have a temporary visa that allows you to live in the United Kingdom, it may include the “no recourse to public funds” condition. This means that you are not able to claim most benefits that are paid by the UK Government.

On 23 April 2020, the UK Government published guidance outlining the support available to migrants with “no recourse to public funds”. This article summarises the support offered by the state.

If you currently hold a UK family or private life visa, you can make a “Change of Conditions” application to access UK public funds if:

- You are destitute or at risk of destitution;

- Your child’s welfare is at risk due to low income;

- You are in other exceptional financial circumstances.

When considering making such an application, you ought be aware of the fact that removing “no recourse to public funds” condition would not only place you on the 10 years’ route towards settlement in the UK, but also, if you manage to change it back to 5 years’ route towards settlement, your clock will start from 0.

If you need a medical treatment in the UK (including being tested for the virus and result comes back negative), you will not have to pay for diagnosis of treatment of coronavirus (COVID-19). If you have a medical condition that makes you vulnerable to coronavirus, you can get help, such as deliveries of medication and food.

If you are employed in the UK, you may be able to access:

- Statutory Sick Pay;

- Contributory Employment and Support Allowance;

- Support provided to employers through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.

If you are registered as self-employed, you may be able to apply for a grant through the Coronavirus Self-employment Income Support Scheme.

If you cannot afford rent, the landlord cannot initiate all eviction and possession proceedings, which have now been suspended for 90 days from 27 March 2020. Mortgage lenders offer repayment holidays of 3 months if you are in financial difficulty due to COVID-19 and cannot afford mortgage payments.

Asylum seekers may be able to get housing and money to support themselves and their family members while waiting to find out if they would be granted asylum.

If you are concerned about your immigration status in the United Kingdom, please do not hesitate to contact our Immigration Team for guidance.

Pre-License Compliance visit – what prospective Tier 2 sponsors need to know?

In order to sponsor a non-UK/EU national, a UK based company must apply for the Sponsorship Licence. When applying for the Sponsorship Licence, appointed by the company Authorising Officer is required to complete the online application form and supply specified documents to prove that the company is suitable and eligible to undertake its duties and obligations as a Licensed sponsor.

Before the Home Office reaches a decision on the License application, a Home Office Compliance Officer might visit the company’s business premises with a pre-license assessment visit. The visit can be either announced, whereas the Compliance Officer will be in touch with the appointed Authorising Officer via email to agree on the date, time and the location of the visit, or unannounced, where the Compliance Officer turns up at the address specified by the Authorising Officer on the License application form.

The aim of the Compliance Visit is to check:

- that the prospective sponsor has the necessary human resources system in place to carry out their duties if the License is granted;

- that the number of migrants the company wants to sponsor is appropriate to the company’s size and business nature;

- whether there is any evidence to suggest that the prospective sponsor will pose a threat to immigration control;

- any areas of concern that have been identified by the Home Office that require further inspection;

- whether the prospective sponsor can offer genuine employment.

It should be noted that the Compliance Officer that visits the company’s business premises is not the caseworker who makes the final decision on the Sponsorship License application. The Compliance Officer merely gathers the relevant information and the documents, and then prepares a final report which is sent to the caseworker for consideration.

The interview usually lasts at least 2 hours, whereby the Compliance Officer explores topic areas, rather than asking a series of questions. The follow up questions depend on the answers provided by an interviewee; hence, it is imperative that the answers are well thought out and to the point.

In order to be well-prepared for the Compliance visit, it is advisable that the sponsors (prospective and current) read the relevant Home Office policy guidance and seek a legal advice (if necessary), or even consult with an immigration specialist to conduct a mock visit.

At the start of the pre-License interview, the Compliance Office would show their ID, would ask to see the ID of the interviewee and explain the purpose of the visit. Thereafter, the interviewee would be asked a series of questions to establish the company’s genuine trading presence in the UK, such as what is the nature of business, who are the directors/owners, when the business was established and what position(s) are vacant.

There are four main areas that are being assessed in the course of the visit:

- Monitoring Immigration Status and Preventing Illegal Working;

- Maintaining Migrant Contact Details;

- Record Keeping & Recruitment Practices;

- Migrant Tracking & Monitoring;

- General Sponsor Duties.

The Compliance Officer explores each area by asking area-related questions and requesting to see evidence. At the end of the interview, the interviewee will be given a chance to add any information that they deem necessary.

The decision on the pre-license Compliance Visit is made usually within 2-4 weeks from the date of the visit. If the application is refused, the company may ask for a review.

Should you require any assistance with the Sponsorship License application, or should you require a mock Compliance Visit, please do not hesitate to contact our immigration team.

Simplification of the Immigration Rules

On 25 March 2020 the Home Office published response to the Law Commission’s report and recommendations on simplification of the UK Immigration Rules. The response and recommendations are set out on 49 pages of the guidance. The Home Office’s aim is for the new consolidated and simplified Rules to be in force from January 2021.

The UK Government has realised that for far too long users have struggled to understand the confusing and complex Immigration Rules. I, personally, have heard many times from the prospective and existing Licensed sponsors that they struggle to navigate the Rules and find relevant information in the complex Home Office Policy Guidance. This is the most welcome news that the UK Immigration Rules will be consolidated and simplified, restructured so that they are easy to use and understand and will be drafted in plain English.

It is imperative that the new, simplified Rules are suitable for the non-expert users. It is also welcome that the Simplification of the Immigration Rules Review Committee will seek to maximise the benefits of tech technology to prove the Immigration Requirements.

At Chan Neill Solicitors our ultimate goal is to help Licensed sponsors and migrants to navigate the comprehensive Immigration Rules and Home Office Policy Guidance. Should you have any questions regarding your UK visa situation or regarding sponsorship of migrant workers, please do not hesitate to contact our Immigration Team.